Business User Involvement
What does this Principle Mean?
At the foundation of this Principle there is an important value to bear in mind. Any business solution, no matter how good and perfect it is, can only deliver the business benefits if the solution is embraced and adopted by the user population.
Users possess business knowledge and experience acquired throughout their career. Involving the users is a must to ensure that the business solution being delivered addresses the real business needs and includes all those business requirements essential to ensure that the solution delivers the expected business benefits.
Empower The Business Users
What does this Principle Mean?
When working on a business project, time is of the essence for more than one reason. For business decision makers, be it fixed timescales, be it fixed budget, delivering on time is one of the most sought after goals.
A business project could potentially consist of diverse streams of delivery, an information technology stream, a communication and marketing stream, a business process stream and others. The teams delivering these streams must be empowered to take decisions.
Senior Management must understand the balance between empowerment and process. In Agile, it is highly recommended to empower the teams to enable quick decisions. There are organizations where empowerment is almost impossible; in this case, Senior Management must always be available to the Delivery Team to ensure that decisions are taken quickly.